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Saskatchewan Immigration Nomination Program

SINP – Saskatchewan Immigrant Nominee Program provides an immigration pathway to live in the province of Saskatchewan as a permanent resident. For you to be eligible for SINP, you have to score a minimum of 60 points out of 100 in the SINP points assessment grid.

There are four immigration categories under Saskatchewan PNP:

  • International Skilled Worker Category – This category is for foreign skilled workers to apply for provincial nomination. If you can meet the minimum requirements of this category like have work experience in an in-demand occupation, etc. you can be selected for the provincial nomination.
  • Saskatchewan Experience Category – This category is for temporary foreign workers already working in the province to apply for provincial nomination.
  • Entrepreneur and Farm Category – This category is for those immigrants who are planning to run a business or farm in Saskatchewan. These categories have different immigration processes as well as the requirements.

Calculate Your SINP Score

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Select the age group you belong to

Score 00

Education and Training

What is your highest level of completed education?

Score 00

Have you studied for one full-time academic year at a recognized Saskatchewan post-secondary educational institution while on a valid study permit?

Score 00

Language Ability

In order to claim points for language, candidates must demonstrate their proficiency in English OR French by way of a language test recognized by the Government of Saskatchewan.

Score 00

Skilled Work Experience

Skilled Worker Experience is defined by the Canadian National Occupational Classification (NOC) and means: Managerial jobs (NOC skill type 0), Professional jobs (NOC skill type A), Technical jobs and Skilled trades (NOC skill type B).

In the past five years, how many years of skilled work experience did you obtain?

Score 00

In the five years prior (to the) date of your EOI profile submission (2009 – 2014), how many years of skilled work experience did you obtain?

Score 00

Have you obtained 12 months or more of work experience in Saskatchewan, on a valid work permit, in the past five years?

Score 00

Close Family Relative in Saskatchewan

Do you or your accompanying spouse/common-law partner have a family relative that is a Canadian citizen or permanent resident living in Saskatchewan. This includes: parent, sibling, grandparent, aunt, uncle, niece, nephew, cousin and step-family members or in-laws of the same relationships.

Score 00

What are the minimum requirements for SINP?

Following are the minimum requirements for SINP’s Express entry category that will allow you to apply for provincial nomination:

  • Must score a minimum of 60 points out of 100 in the SINP point assessment grid
  • Must have a valid Express Entry profile number and job seeker validation code
  • Must take IELTS to prove language proficiency
  • Must have completed minimum one year of post-secondary education or training (degree, diploma or certificate) with an ECA
  • Must have a minimum level of work experience required in an occupation that is classified under NOC skill level 0, A or B, and the occupation must be in-demand in the province. (In case, occupation is regulated in the province than candidate must be provided with respective certification or licensing)
  • Must have sufficient amount of settlement funds and a settlement plan

What are the main factors in the SINP Points Calculator?

SINP point assessment grid awards point based on the following factors:

  • Labour Market Success (Maximum 70 points)
    • Education and Training
    • Skilled Work Experience
    • Language Ability
    • Age
  • Connection to Saskatchewan Labour Market & Adaptability (Maximum 30 points)

Saskatchewan PNP Points Calculator

Saskatchewan has its own immigration program which is known as Saskatchewan Immigrant Nominee Program. You need to get 60 points out of total of 100 points in the SINP assessment.

The details of the assessment and the pints allotted for each section is as follows –

Selection Factor Points
Education and training 23
Skilled Work Experience 15
Language Ability 20
Age 12
Connection to Saskatchewan labor market 30

Education and Training

Educational qualifications Points
Master’s or Doctorate Degree 23
University Bachelor’s Degree (Minimum 3-year program) 20
Trade Certification 20
Degree, diploma or certificate (Minimum 2 year program) 15
Degree, diploma or certificate (Minimum 1 year program) 12

Skilled Work Experience

In 5 years prior to Application Submission

Duration (In years) Points
5 10
4 8
3 6
2 4
1 2


In 6-10 years prior to Application Submission

Duration (In years) Points
5 5
4 4
3 3
2 2
Less than 1 year 0

Language Proficiency

CLB Level Points
8 and higher 20
7 18
6 16
5 14
4 12


Age (In years) Points
Less than 18 0
18-21 8
22-34 12
35-45 10
46-50 8
More than 50 0

All the above mentioned gives a total of 70 points under SINP calculator 2020

Remaining 30 points for immigrants who are having a strong connection to the Saskatchewan labor market, which shows a genuine intent and ability to successfully settle and economically establish in Saskatchewan as a permanent resident.

Connection to Saskatchewan Labor Market Points
Highly skilled employment offer from a Saskatchewan employer 30
Close family relative in Saskatchewan 20
Past work experience in Saskatchewan (at least 12 months of work in the past five years on a valid work permit) 5
Past student experience in Saskatchewan (at least one-year full-time academic year of study at a recognized Saskatchewan post-secondary education institution on a valid study permit) 5